SaaS Workflow Automation

Post Author

Julissa Caraballo

June 6 2024

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Modern IT infrastructure heavily leverages SaaS tools to fulfill many software roles within the organization. On average, companies have over 254 SaaS apps (with enterprises averaging 364 apps), each of which needs to have identities manually managed, which is a time-consuming and error-prone management process when done manually. This SaaS operations and management problem becomes even more complex as the number of users and applications increases.

As organizations scale and adopt more SaaS applications, managing user identities across multiple platforms becomes more complex. Companies need solutions that help streamline these processes by integrating with various applications, providing a unified approach to identity management. This is where identity first SaaS workflow automation comes into play. 

What is Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation? 

Organizations can automate identity management tasks and business processes using a cloud-based service through identity-first SaaS workflow automation. This innovative approach focuses on securing and efficiently handling user identities, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive systems and data. 

Leveraging automated workflows and policies can streamline user provisioning, access management, and authentication processes. This enhances data security and significantly reduces the administrative burden associated with manual identity management tasks.

How Do Organizations Benefit from Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation?

Automation takes the previously manual tasks for identity management and streamlines them with automated steps. Tasks like user provisioning, when done manually, require administrators to conduct significant research to determine what access a new user should have and to what resources. This might come from talking to supervisors or reviewing peers’ rights to determine necessary access. While this creates a reasonable baseline for a new user, it is time-consuming and still likely that a new user will have some access rights overlooked, slowing down their onboarding, and increasing how long it takes to get them fully productive.

This process may not be as complex or demanding for a tiny organization with relatively few resources. However, these tasks could rapidly overwhelm existing administrative staff for most organizations, especially those with multiple individuals who may start simultaneously.

Process automation streamlines repetitive tasks by putting the right information in the hands of administrators when they need it. It provides insights into what SaaS applications are available and who has what rights across them. This reduces the time administrators need to investigate and provides up-to-date data. 

Workflow Automation for SaaS: Enhancement Operational Efficiency

By streamlining identity management tasks, organizations significantly saving time and effort required for manual processes, improving operational efficiency. This leads to more consistent and accurate execution of identity management functions, minimizing human error. With automated workflows, IT resources can be reallocated to focus on more strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down with routine administrative tasks. This shift improves productivity and allows IT teams to contribute more effectively to the organization’s broader goals.

Accelerates onboarding processes 

Workflow automation for SaaS streamlining processes, improving the speed at which new users can be onboarded. Automated workflows enable more rapid provisioning of user accounts and access rights, ensuring that new employees can be productive from their first day. Standardized procedures ensure that all necessary onboarding steps are followed uniformly, reducing the risk of missed steps or inconsistencies. 

This streamlined process enhances the user experience for new hires, making their transition into the company smoother and more efficient. Organizations can significantly boost new employee satisfaction and engagement by minimizing delays and ensuring that all required access is granted promptly.

Minimizing errors 

Identity management automation helps minimize errors by ensuring that identity management policies are applied consistently across the organization. Manual data entry and access rights assignments are prone to human error, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and operational inefficiencies. Automated workflows eliminate these risks by uniformly applying predefined rules and policies, ensuring that all actions are accurate and compliant. 

Ensures Compliance with security policies 

Another critical advantage of workflow automation is ensuring compliance with security policies and regulatory requirements. Automated workflows enforce compliance by consistently applying security policies and regular updates, reducing non-compliance risk. This helps maintain a secure environment and makes it easier to prepare for audits by maintaining detailed records of all identity management activities. 

With automation, organizations bolster their compliance efforts by creating detailed audit trails of all actions taken. This creates a record of continuous compliance, providing accessible evidence for auditors and streamlining complex and time-consuming audit processes. Demonstrating adherence to regulatory requirements and internal policies more effectively helps organizations reduce the risk of penalties and enhance their overall security posture.

Cost Saving Workflow 

When evaluating any initiative, the key factor is whether it is cost-effective. SaaS workflow automation leads to considerable cost savings by reducing the need for manual intervention and lowering labor costs associated with identity management. Streamlined processes result in time savings that translate into cost reductions, allowing organizations to allocate resources more efficiently. 

Automated solutions can also scale with the organization’s needs without significantly increasing costs, making them a cost-effective option for growing businesses. 

Secured workflow and workflow monitoring

SaaS security workflows and continuous monitoring are essential components of automation. Using real-time workflow monitoring allows organizations to detect and respond to anomalies or security threats promptly. Enhanced security measures ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive systems and data, reducing the risk of breaches. Proactive alerts notify administrators of potential security issues, enabling swift action to mitigate security risks. 

Continuous oversight helps maintain a secure and compliant environment, protecting the organization’s assets and data from unauthorized access and potential threats.

How Does Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation Improve Security Posture?

SaaS workflow automation significantly improves an organization’s security posture by ensuring that identity management processes are consistently and accurately executed. Automating user provisioning, access management, and authentication reduces the risk of human error, which is often a weak link in manual identity management. Automated workflows enforce strict access controls, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive systems and data, thus minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

Additionally, using multi-factor authentication (MFA) as part of the automated workflow adds an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to exploit stolen credentials. Continuous monitoring and real-time alerts provided by the automated system enable quick detection and response to any anomalies or suspicious activities. This proactive approach helps to mitigate potential security threats before they can cause significant harm.

SaaS Workflow Automation also maintains comprehensive audit trails and logs of all identity management activities. These records are invaluable for compliance and thorough investigations during a security incident. By integrating AI-driven identity management solutions, organizations can dynamically adjust security measures based on ongoing risk assessments, ensuring a robust and adaptive defense against evolving cyber threats. 

How quickly can my organization implement Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation with Savvy?

Implementing identity-first SaaS workflow automation with Savvy can be swift and seamless, thanks to Savvy’s user-friendly platform and expert support. Organizations can expect a streamlined setup process, as Savvy’s integration capabilities allow for quick connection with existing systems and SaaS applications, minimizing disruption to daily operations. 

Over a few weeks, Savvy’s solution can learn about all connected SaaS applications, even those created outside the normal IT provisioning process. This rapid deployment enables organizations to start reaping the benefits of automated identity management, such as enhanced security, improved operational efficiency, and reduced administrative burden, quickly.

Learn how Savvy can transform your organization’s approach to SaaS identity security and schedule a demo to see Savvy in action.


What are some common use cases for Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation?

  • User provisioning and de-provisioning, access management, authentication processes, and ensuring compliance with security policies are everyday use cases.

Is Savvy’s Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation customizable to specific organizational requirements?

  • Savvy’s Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation is highly customizable to meet different organizations’ specific needs and requirements.

What level of support does Savvy provide to organizations implementing Savvy’s Identity First SaaS Workflow Automation?

  • Savvy provides comprehensive support, including initial setup assistance, integration guidance, and ongoing technical support to ensure successful implementation and operation.