Validate Identity Controls and Manage Sprawl
This interactive demo experience guides you through the challenges and solutions associated with validating identity controls and managing identity sprawl within your environment. Savvy addresses the complex problems posed by ineffective Sign Sign-On (SSO) or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), as well as shadow identities in your environment that put you at risk. Savvy gives you an always up-to-date SaaS inventory, ensuring no SaaS app or identity goes unnoticed or unmanaged.
Within this demo, you’ll discover how Savvy’s advanced platform not only identifies but also curtails the spread of shadow identities, enabling your organization to safeguard against unauthorized access and potential breaches. The focus on a real-time, constantly refreshed SaaS inventory positions Savvy as an invaluable tool in your cybersecurity arsenal, providing a clear, comprehensive view of every identity within your network.